Discover Sun City AZ


Discover Sun City AZ
Wed, Jan 18, 2023, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Special Events


Discover Sun City AZ

On Wednesday, January 18, RCSC will be sponsoring its annual orientation for those who have recently moved to Sun City.  The event will be held at Sundial Auditorium from 9-11 a.m. and 6-8 p.m.  This event affords clubs the opportunity to promote its activities.  Camera Guild will have a table and we need two Club members to man the table for each session to great people, hand out brochures, and answer questions.  Please step forward and help your Club during this event.

If you are able to help at the 6-8 p.m. session, please register below.


Your Registration:
It's too late to register for this event.