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Fountain Hills Balloon Glow / Grab & Go


Fountain Hills Balloon Glow / Grab & Go
Sat, Jan 4, 2020, 3:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Photo Trips


Fountain Hills Balloon Glow

Fountain Hills Park 12925 N Saguaro Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ

Date: Saturday January 4, 2020 5:30-7:30 PM Accommodations: Night Trip.

Car Pool: Meet at Sun Dial at 3:15PM and leave at 3:30PM. Travel Time: to Fountain Hills Park 50 minutes.

Arrive: At All American Sports Grill 16872 E. Avenue of the Fountains at 4:30ish for early dinner. The park is across the street.

Cost Balloon Glow: Free
Parking: Parking lots just north of eating location. Accessibility: Good sidewalks

It’s a few hot air balloons that will put on a glow show during the evening hours. Vendors, restrooms, and it’s free.


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