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Butterfly Wonderland / Grab & Go


Butterfly Wonderland / Grab & Go
Tue, Jul 16, 2019, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Photo Trips


Butterfly Wonderland in Scottsdale

Address is: 9500 E Via De Ventura Ste... Scottsdale - Phone 480.800.3000

A. Cost for buying on line is 21.95 for adults
B. Cost for buying at the door is 24.95
Directions: Take the 101 North all the way around to signs for Odysea / Via de Ventura
Meet at Sundial Parking next to Mini Golf for car pooling at 9:00. est time for travel 35min.
Lunch at 11:30 at The Tavern Grille at 8880 East Via Linda ( just off the 101 North ) 
Phone is 480.614.5254
Please sign up in the clubroom or on line, so that we can make reservations for lunch!
contact: Linda 607.232.2025 if you have any questions....


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