Meet Friendly People and Socialize
We celebrate each other's work at quarterly First Friday Gallery Openings. Meet fellow photo buffs at Thursday morning Coffee and Cameras. Enjoy presentations on current photographic topics at monthly meetings. We share good food and good times at quarterly potlucks.
All Skill Levels Welcome
Share our passion for photography whether you are a beginner or seasoned photographer.
A Place to Learn, Practice, Share, and Play
Environment that offers discussion, exchange of ideas, classes, outings, and teaching opportunities. Have fun showcasing your skills. Expand your horizons by participating in a variety of activities. Our facilities include current computers and software, photo quality printers, and a modern, well-equipped studio.
How to Become a Member
Membership is available to all RCSC cardholders only. Dues: Primary member $20/year, additional household member $5/year residing at the same address. Visit our FAQ page for complete details and to download an application.
Club Affiliations
Click on logos to visit websites