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Coffee and Cameras


Coffee and Cameras
Thu, Jul 4, 2024, 9:30 am - 11:30 am


Coffee and Cameras

Come one-come all to our new Coffee and Cameras informal gatherings on Thursday mornings during the summer.  We will gather in the Club Room from 9:30-11:30 a.m.  Whether you are new to the club or have been around for some time, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  Bring your questions with you.  Someone likely had the same question in the past and someone likely has an answer.  This is a great opportunity for our newer members (and older members for that matter) to get help and answers and enhance their skills regarding photographic issue (camera use, composition, processing, printing, etc.).  As the saying goes, the only bad question is one that is never asked.  This will be a new learning experience for all of us.  Bring your cameras with you if you need help with your camera.

Registration is not necessary.  Just show up.