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General Meeting / Competition


General Meeting / Competition
Sat, Oct 19, 2019, 9:00 am - 11:00 am


This meeting will feature the restart of competitions within the Camera Guild. Several different versions of competitions have been suggested. We are going to kick off with a simple open category event. We will have a single judge with points scored and a critique. Your points will be a running score, tabulated at the end of the year. High points will be aknowledged by level of photographer's skill.

What you need to know to enter:

2 entries max per member

one Color & one B&W

Max horizontal dimension: 1400 pixels, Max verticle dimesion 1050 pixels

save as a "jpeg" no larger than 1MB

label each as follows:  n_Name_Title.    example "1_KruegerG_Clown Alley"

email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Send you enties by 10-14-19

If you plan to participate, please register below so we will know to look for your entries!


Reserved places:
Max. booked / user:

Your Registration:
It's too late to register for this event.