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Grab & Go / Western Trails Ranch


Grab & Go / Western Trails Ranch
Fri, Mar 25, 2022, 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Photo Trips



Trip Type: Day Trip

Where: Western Trails Ranch, 37839 W Grand Ave, Morristown, AZ 85342 623-388-2000

When:  Friday, March 25, 2022

Time:  4:00-10:00 p.m.

Pre-trip Meeting: None necessary

Entrance Fee: Free.  It’s a restaurant with calf roaping..go figure.

Car Pool Location: Sundial Parking Lot (mini golf area), meet 3:15 p.m., leave 3:30 p.m.

Travel Time: 40 minutes

Restaurant: Eating on site.

Accessibility: Easy walking

Other Information:

This venue is a Dillons Restaurant where they have various entertainment, including calf roaping starting at 5 p.m. and a band that starts playing at 6 p.m.  Have a little dinner and take a few photos of the calf roaping.  You do have to pay for your food and beverages, of course.

Contact: Judy Krueger 559-303-0331 (text)

IMPORTANT (for all Grab & Go trips.)

Please register on the Camera Guild Website if you are going to attend this event.  It is important for us to know how many are attending to ensure we all get into the venues and restaurants, if applicable.  If you later determine you cannot attend this event, please go to the website and remove yourself from attending.  The link to register is below.  To register, sign in to the webiste, then select this Grab-N-Go on the calendar, and select “I will go to this Event.”  If you must change your status, use the same process and select I will NOT go to this Event.”  The link to register/remove yourself is:



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